

-Did you know GRAPEFRUIT can give you beautiful skin? Grapefruit is a great anti-oxidant that can help fight wrinkles, discolorations, and other skin issues that make you look older.

-Grapefruit juice has curative properties that 
can help tone your skin’s complexion and clear up oily skin. Grapefruit is also found in TEI Spa’s OxyCalming Serum.

Get your OxyCalming Serum here: http://www.teispa.com/oxycalming-serum.html


Wickedly Good Halloween SkinCare

During October, it’s easy to get lost in childhood memories of Halloween. The costumes! The candy! The scary movies!
But when was the last time you really celebrated the holiday? 
Here’s an idea give yourself a Halloween Skincare treat right in time for Halloween and Winter. 
Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin Sugar Face Scrub
Did you know that you probably have one of the best natural skin healers and moisturizers sitting on your front porch? Pumpkin! It’s chock full of good-for-your-skin vitamins.
Using a small bowl, mix 1 cup of raw sugar and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.  Add ¼ cup of pumpkin pie filling.  Apply to face, rubbing for at least one minute, but not more than two.  Rinse for a revived, clean complexion! 
Monster Peel-Off Mask
Combine ½ cup of fruit juice with 1 packet of un-flavored gelatin in a small pan. Heat to dissolve the gelatin, then let the mixture cool until it is almost set. Apply to the face and neck, letting it dry completely before peeling off.
“Mummy Time” Bubble Bath
4 cups water
1 cup liquid castile soap (unscented)
2 Tablespoons glycerin
A few drops frankincense essential oil
In a large bowl, slowly add the liquid castile soap, glycerin, and essential oil to water. Add this to your bubble bath to give you an incredible refreshing glow and reviving experience.


Does Eating Olive Oil Prevent Wrinkles?

What's all the buzz about? 
The truth is: Olive oil may be unique among dietary oils for its anti-aging benefits to your skin. 

Of course, we are not advocating a high oil diet, but its true, if you cook with oil, the best choice is Olive Oil for your skin!
Results of a recent large French scientific study showed that the signs of skin photoaging were significantly lower in people who consumed olive oil. The study surveyed almost 3,000 French men and women aged 45-60 and correlated dietary information with photographic ratings of skin photoaging. The study’s investigators removed confounding factors that impact skin aging (such as smoking, sun exposure history, body mass index, menopausal or hormone replacement status, home geographic location, etc.) and olive oil consumption was still correlated with younger looking, less sun-damaged skin. Consumption of dietary fats from animal sources (i.e. dairy and meat) was not associated with this protective phenomenon, nor was consumption of the other most frequently used vegetable oils in the French study population (safflower and peanut oil).
The study’s authors hypothesize that olive oil may be uniquely beneficial to skin because it is rich in polyphenol antioxidants and squalene. Both of these act as antioxidants to help fight oxidative free radical damage. Sun damage of skin is caused by oxidative free radical reactions. 
Next time you want to cook with some butter, rethink it and remember how gorgeous the French are looking! haha. Use olive oil instead. Make it your salad dressing oil too. The polyphenols and squalene may help bolster your skin’s defenses against stray UV rays. Simply substituting olive oil for other dietary oils may give you a slightly better edge over wrinkles, sun spots, and skin cancer – helping to keep your skin healthy and attractive.

Of course, you still need to protect your skin from the outside too by wearing a high-quality, mineral-based, broad spectrum sun screen on your exposed skin 365 days a year.  It’s the single most important skin care step for preventing wrinkles, premature skin thinning (solar elastosis), uneven pigment, and skin cancer. And dont forget your neck and chest! 
Is your skin already wrinkling? Well, you can do something about it without resorting to surgical procedures. Learn which products work the best to reduce the appearance of your skin’s fine lines and wrinkles. These products also help boost the collagen in – and health of – your skin.
We recommend using a tool nightly that has the benefits of a Galvanic Microcurrent, such as The Point ($140, www.teispa.com). This tool is ideal for anyone who wants to prevent aging and target the fine lines around the eyes, mouth and forehead. Its equivalent to do crunches on your ab muscles but instead you are tightening up the sagging skin on the face!
Learn more about The Point here!